Hi. We are Nancy and Lucas. Lucas is my grandson and we have a lot in common, including a love for science and insects. Our dream was that someday we would get honey bees. In the spring of 2017, my son Bobby, daughter-in-law Lynn, grandsons Lucas and Colton, and granddaughter Leah bought an acreage in central Iowa and I moved there in the fall. We recognized the acreage as the perfect place to have some hives. Lucas wanted to get them right away, but I managed to put him off for a couple years since I was a very busy graduate student at Iowa State University. Lucas came up with the name, My Sweet Honey, early on in our discussions about what we would do with the honey bees and the extra honey. In the fall of 2019 we decided we would get our bees in the spring (he finally talked me into it). I loved the name he came up with, so I got online to reserve the name for business purposes but ended up having to add “Hive” to the end of it to make it unique. Thus, at the start of 2020 My Sweet Honey Hive was born. After much research we decided to purchase Russian honey bees due to their resistance to many honey bee health issues. Then Covid-19 hit. This opened up some extra time for me since I was now able to teach and school remotely from home and did not have the daily drive to and from campus. Lucas and I started to make products out of beeswax so that we had something to sell at farmer’s markets during the summer. We did a lot of research so we could produce and sell quality products made from all-natural ingredients. Being a biologist/ecologist, I have concerns about the environment and the chemicals that are in the products used by myself and my family, so Lucas and I felt like the products we produced should reflect this. We are constantly evolving and adding new products to our line. We are so blessed to be able to do this as a family with Colton and Leah starting to get involved. We love sharing our story and our products with everyone and hope you enjoy them!
Our honey bees are pure, certified Russian honey bees (Apis mellifera). In 1997, this strain of honey bee was imported into the United States from the Primorsky Krai region of Russia by the USDA. They started a breeding program to breed these honey bees for resistance to varroa mites (Varroa destructor) and increased honey production. They also exhibit resistance to tracheal mites (Acarapis woodi) and are aggressive toward small hive beetles (Aethina tumida). This means that we can eliminate the use of chemicals during honey bee hive maintenance.
“Multi-state field trials have shown that Russian honey bees either meet or exceed industry standards for honey production.” *
*Rinderer TE, Guzman LI, Delatte GT, Stelzer JA, Lancaster VA, Williams JL, Beaman LD, Kuznetsov V, Bigalk M, Bernard SJ, Tubbs H. 2001. Multi-State Field Trials of ARS Russian Honey Bees: 2. Honey Production 1999, 2000. American Bee Journal 141:726-729.
Future beekeepers Lucas, Colton, and Leah!